
A week to slow down!

This was a perfect reminder last weekend.
God had a big message for me in store this week.
I was scheduled for a procedure this week to remove
a benign cyst from my ovary.  Turns out, Dr removed the whole ovary
and tube as the best course of action..all has gone well.
I am not good in the slow down stage.
I was bitter about "wasting" PTO to have it done,
couldn't it be done after boys were back in school so we could go, go go?
I read this message last weekend and it as stuck with me this week.
It seems like that in my slow down state (forced, ha)
I have noticed the details.
I have heard the birds louder, the flowers brighter, the rain more sweet
and the sun much hotter, the support of family sweeter.
The texts and calls all sweet messages.
I have felt the love of all 3 of my boys this week.
Turns out, I needed them home from school to care for me
and they have been content to join me as I rest.
Love that God knows just what we need.

Took a walk to the mailbox with Sam to retrieve a special package.
Look at how blessed we are surrounded by beautiful green grass
this late in July is unusual, it has been abundantly wet.

So much so that these creatures, weird mushrooms are cropping up
under our trees. 

And we have 3 of these this year, first year for them since we have moved in...
I LOVE them.
I hope they stay, maybe I can figure out what they are.

Ha, ha...DH took this pic of me on Tuesday, what a dork.
Thankful things went well.

Allison sent these - they are beautiful.
Love them.
And I opened a few new sets of Fiesta I found ($16/place setting, steal!!)
And cut a few black eyed susans to match,
perfect with the little brown bottle cousin Jessie saved for me
because she knew I would love it.  She was right!

I've taken time to pick the produce from our postage stamp.
I was looking for a tomato, none were ripe yet...but
look at this offering!

It has overgrown the edges, ha
There is likely weeds, but the cucumber and watermelon vines
are keeping them at bay.

And thankful for technology since DH ran to the store for me,
had to make sure he got the correct peach tea sticks for me,
not just any will do.
Recovering well, soaking up the last - back to work on Monday.
Thankful for a patient family that taken care of me!