
The mom I want to be.

A video surfaced of the 1990 Semi State Game
and Will shared that he found mom in the crowd.
Morgan was able to still shot the video and share the picture on our group text.
It was day full of tears for me.
Every last glimpse of our parents is so cherished.

And I was struck with an overwhelming thought when I saw this photo.

I want to be this mom.

I want to be the mom that is present.

My mom was there for everything.
{She did an awesome job filling both parental roles,
reminding us often of what our dad would have thought.}
My mom was not only there physically but emotionally as well.

She cheered us on,
was aware when we needed an extra push academically or athletically.
She asked questions,
questions that kept us on track and got in our business.
She worked hard to provide,
and give us our hearts desire without spoiling us to a fault.
She taught us to rely on God,
and the importance of relying on Him.
She taught us how to work,
how to keep a home and be loyal to a job.
She encouraged us to pursue hard things,
to try for a scholarship or go to college out of state even though it had to break her heart.
She was very tidy,
our house had a lot of things but she knew where everything was.
She was always the first one up,
and often the last to go to bed  I had no idea how hard she worked until now.
She was very intentional,
her words were honest and wise.

This is the mom I want to be.
The one that is present.