We had planned to go camping this weekend, pulled the camper home and packed our things and our friends got sick, really sick, so they had to stay home - boo:(
But, our kids were not sick and the camper was at our house.
We decided that, due to the chance for crummy weather,
that we would have a fire at home and sleep in the camper {in the driveway}.
And our party grew until -
we had just the right amount of people for a really fun night!!
The highlight of the evening was getting our hands in the gooey stuff (for most of us)
We carved pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns.
We have Drew, Sam, Joe, Jaelyn, and MonteLee - can't you tell?

And here we have Master Pumpkin Carver, Tom. He came with his own kit and went to work. Thank goodness, I mean I really just got to do the fun part with Sam!

Proud of their finished work!

I can see the pumpkin guts a flyin' right now!

And this girl. Wow. I didn't know you had it in ya Jill. Great carving skills. She even made
Walker eyebrows on a pumpkin - if you know my family, you know what I mean!

Aunt Christine made Joe's pumpkin. He LOVED it.
Wanted to touch it, all of it, even the candle - yikes!

And my Aunt Polly came and had fun too. Later in the evening the kids found one set of water colors (yep, one set, only one brush=disaster). But Aunt Polly showed them how to use their fingers instead. Everyone made a
masterpiece- especially Jaelyn, I cannot wait to see her's hanging on the fridge.

Yeah, I got into the big cookie with black icing and thought I finally found a way to fit in with my friend (considering her roots and all) - Go Shoa*s! I wouldn't want to offend any readers by really spelling out the place!

And these three.
They were here most of the night. DH and my 2 brothers.
But actually, we all ended up here by the end of the night.
Maybe they had it right all along!?!

And we relaxed by the fire.
And laughed {out loud}.

A lot. Morgan had on her runners for the evening.

Oh, and we did sleep in the camper.
Thanks everyone for a really fun, spur of the moment,
really smokey
chilly, windy, fall evening!