Joe had his kindergarten program on Tuesday, too.
It was the sweetest.
His teacher asked me if he would be the turkey and I said sure!!
He rocked his speaking part and pointed out to Mrs. Kidwell that another student wasn't at the mic
for his part (yep, in front of everyone)
And he rocked the turkey, his feathers were big and would graze some kids as he walked by, you could see them inch up so that he would definitely hit them on the next trip around, so so cute!
The song was Alberquere Turkey, cutest little song, and the family at Pizza instead of the turkey.
This was Joe's favorite song, he sang it for weeks before
I Proud to be and American. Perfect leading us into Memorial Day!
So thankful for our freedoms!
We learned some things in anticipation of Joe's program.
1. I won't sign him up for a part without asking.
2. He told me he had stagefright, but it disappeared when he was on stage
3. We had a teaching moment about why all the kids were laughing at him as the turkey.DID NOT like it at all, this from my kid who loves to make people laugh.
4. We said a simple prayer that God would make Joe feel better about being the turkey
5. When the time came he rocked the turkey part, and it was a sweet lesson for him on answered prayer.
6. He told me his made my mama feathers were the best (smile)