Monday was full of race cars and other fun games.
We went to NASCAR and it was probably the best value of the vacation.
20 bucks for unlimited rides and then a few more dollars on the inside arcade.
I forgot how little we spend on our beach vacations since we
use the beach and pool for most of our entertainment!
He was all smiles after his races.
I hit a couple outlet shops while they raced, came back to join them
so that we could split up and Joe could ride some other stuff.
He was all smiles after he rode the small roller coaster.
Double decker carousal
1st scrambler ride, he made some buddies riding these rides.
Then we played some mini golf that was included too.
But we got super hot, so we quit early...glad we all agreed on that!
We cooled off inside playing a few arcade games.
The arcades were everywhere and Sam saw
He might also spend every.single.dime he owned at one if we let him!
DH and I took a round at the dancing game too,
no proof of that though
We found all three boys new tennis shoes at the Nike outlet, Ill call that success
and so did they! They went to get an afternoon snack and left me to shop a bit more.
We ended our night at the Dixie Stampede.
The pre show was great too, favorite part was one of the singers getting covered in TP
from a roll attached to a fan, hilarious.
DH and I had been but it was the boys first time.
Sam told Dan that he could have his food
because he was too busy watching.
Joe really got into cheering for the North and South.
We loved seeing the wheel all light up when we came back in the evening.
We had a great view of it from our hotel room.