The boys are on Fall Break! My Saturday fell right in the middle of it,
so they had fun with cousin Blake on Friday, they had fun with daddy while I worked a short shift, then we had fun with friends and watch the cardinals in the playoffs, we woke up Sunday and decided to head out for an overnight in Louisville, KY.
Our first stop was
It's a stop we would LOVE to head back to.
These boys just need a little urge from Uncle Will
or Blake and Noah and they would love this course!
But we headed out on a tour of the old underground mine
that is underneath the city of Louisville,
specifically the zoo.
It was a really educational, neat ride.
They are preparing for the Christmas light show,
its on our list too!
It was dark most of the time and this one took a snooze, ha!
How cute is this, could squeeze em!
We stopped off at a mall, you know DH loves those.
Well, we found one with a Cheesecake Factory!
They boys loved it, but Sam said...
that was not much of a factory. So literal, very literal. Love it.
We headed back to the hotel for a swim, and it time for
DH to catch the Cardinals in the playoffs,
except we were out of Cardinal fan territory and the hotel didn't draw the game!
We had time to build our new LEGO set from the KMART we were under during our mega tour
And play with our miners hats while DH streamed the game on the compter, pfew.
You didn't think he would miss it, did you?