Last Friday, my new work schedule allowed me a Friday off, yippee...know what that meant?
A school party for me...I have missed a lot because they are usually on Fridays and before this last change I worked every Friday. I asked both boys if I could attend, and only received a nod from Joe not Sam (insert mama pout). But, I was thrilled to be 1/2.
I snuck this picture of my boy at his party.
He dressed up as the Lorax for Halloween - students were asked to choose a book character for their costume at school -
Sam joined in too and was Indiana Jones, once again. He was at the age that he wasn't sure if
he was going to do it, so I didn't agree when he wanted the same thing as last year...and didn't agree about the picture, ha!
We started with some old sunglasses from home
and some craft foam. (Ideas from pinterest of course)
And yellow spray paint (with supervision and then a takeover by mom, haha)
I also snuck a few pictures from Joe's classroom.
We LOVE his teacher. We are so blessed by her and she reinforces a lot of
the qualities we raise the boys with, very thankful for that.

Joe recently passed his addition facts, was one of the first few in the class
so I was pleased to see his reward on his locker! His AR chart is looking good too.
And at the end of the day this boy was in a BAD mood when he told me
he had weekend homework, ha. He only cracked a smile AFTER he found a letter
from Isa in the mailbox!
We also made these mummy applesauce(s)
for Sam's classroom!