Can I have a favorite photo friday?

We love cereal...
Happy Birthday, Dada.....

Preparation for the visit?
It is 5am - up since about 4:15 - It occurred to me that maybe baby Joe is up, too? I prayed for him and tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. I have had a lot of sleepless nights since referral -guess it is sympathy pains for our dear foster mother.
A post on the chat group asked if anyone knew Sam's foster mother, Maritza. I quickly replied. I told them that they had been given a gift - to quickly unwrap it and cherish it. Maritza meant and means so much to me. I am looking forward to seeing her again. I cannot wait to see her face (and tears I am sure) at how big Sam is now. I still think of her and pray for her often, and now have added Joe's foster mom, Norma to my list. I will feel better after I meet Joe's FM. Until then, I place him in God's protection.
So, I work today...then I have 4 days off, I will begin and mostly finish packing for the boys and Dan and I. Why you ask?
Well, here is my schedule until I hold baby Joe for the first time:
Wed work 8-6
4days off -I get to buy little diapers (hee, hee)
Mon work 9-9
Tues work 8-6
Wed work 8-6
Thurs - off - yeah!
Fri work 9-9
Sat work 9-6
Sun church, work 11-3
Mon work 9-9
Tues work 8-6
Wed work 8-6, go to Toni and Chris's in Indy
Thurs, Nov 8.....flight from Indy at 6am, hold baby Joe around 3pm!
PS, Not to mention, I have a husband and a wonderful son at home and we are remodeling a house! I love it all!
Visit trip
I can actually count down the days to our visit!
A coworker asked today, isn't it hard to leave him? I told her that it no doubt is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But two things come to mind. God gave me a peace each time I was faced with leaving Sam that we would be together again. And I am ever so grateful to hold my child, even if for a few days. Praying for you until we can be united, baby Joe.
Need landscaping? Call......
Here are two of our helpers yesterday. Dryce and Sam loved the afternoon break. Grandma brought us some cold soda pop and Sam couldn't get enough!
Dan and I met with our contractor yesterday to go over a few details and order the new windows. Marv has been easy to work with so far - looking forward to some more plans! Then we started by working on the pool. It is not closed yet which poses a small problem in the middle of an Indiana fall - lots of leaves. We worked to get the leaves out. We also began to drain the hot tub. I worked on the landscaping weeds while Dan finished mowing. Then we grabbed some lunch and listened as Loogootee defeated Barr-Reeve in the girls volleyball sectional.
Donnie came after lunch and the real progress began! I told him that he missed his calling of being a barber. We trimmed every bush on the place! It looks very nice. We also pulled out a few bushes and tried to remove the big tree in the back to make way for our bathroom addition. All in all we made a lot of progress. It was a beautiful fall day - glad to spend it outside!
Loogootee girls went on the win the volleyball sectional -they played well!
Thanks everyone....
Thanks to Blake my niece who watched Sam all day today! He had a little bloody nose and it scared both of them, but by the time she called me she had handled it well and both were calm!
Lastly, thanks to all who visit the blog --16 hits since yesterday--I think I will just keep on blogging!
Pooped at the end of the shopping trip...
Wrestling with Cousin Cole
Daddy said plan the trip!
Let the demolition begin. We got possession of our new home on Sunday. We visited with all the Walkers - it echoed a lot and the kids loved it! Dan and our good friend Brent started the Demo last night...and they broke a water line. Should I worry? Maybe, but I haven't see the damage. Dan says it mostly went into the basement, it was from the dishwasher. I won't send the 2 of them to demo together again. Visit our house timeline, I will track the progress there.
What's in a Name?
The stork came to visit...

- He was born on my birthday... 8/5/07!
- His birthname, Jose, is the spanish form of Joseph, a name we are considering.
- He is older than we were expecting, but if our paperwork had never been misplaced by the USPS, this would have been the original timeframe for our child's birthday.
We are extremely elated and honored to have been chosen for his parents. At 2 months old he weighs 9lbs and is 22.7 in. We are finalizing his name choices and working towards our power of attorney for our Guatemalan Attorney to act on our behalf. Prayer and petitions for Jose Luis are needed at this time. I pray that his birthmother is okay with her decison and is provided with a peace that he will be in a loving and faith filled home. I pray that his foster mother is nuturing and loves our son as we do. We were so blessed by Sam's first family and pray that Jose Luis's family is just the same!
Blessed to be the parents of two Guatemalan miracles...
Nice Sunday
We went to Grandma and Papaw's for lunch. Grandma made baked spagetti and Sam loved it. He just kept eating. Then there was apple crisp for dessert and he ate that too!
I made brownies for my boss's 50th birthday tomorrow. We are all wearing black in honor of his big day! Sam and Daddy took a nap. I also got some letters ready to send our congressmen and senators about the Guatemala 5000.
Blake came by and dropped off her fundraiser loot I had purchased. She said I don't talk about her on my blog enough. She is a freshman this year and busy with JV Volleyball this year. She constantly teases me because I am shorter than her now. Little does she know, I am not very tall, so it doesn't take much! LOL...
Something you can do...

Yard Sales
Scott and Chris are putting in new kitchen floors and cabinets. I am excited for them for it to be all done!
Several families waiting on girl referrals got news this week! That's good for us too. We have some folks to go on the journey with!
Daddy is working and golfing today. We will clean and pack some more today!~
Oh no!
Poem to Remember
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my firstpainting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, andI learned that it was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cakefor me, and I learned that the little things can be the special thingsin ife.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I heardyou say a prayer, and I knewthere is a God I couldalways talk to and I learned to trust inGod.When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and moneyto help people who had nothing, and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house andeveryone in it, and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled yourresponsibilities, even when you didn't feel good, and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes, and Ilearned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons thatI need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say,"Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn'tlooking."