
Nice Sunday

Here is Sam going thru his diaper bag to see if I have packed the right things to entertain him at church. Today we started our day at church. We sat by a couple of other familes with kids Sam's age. At one point we had all swapped snacks and toys. We will take support any way it comes!

We went to Grandma and Papaw's for lunch. Grandma made baked spagetti and Sam loved it. He just kept eating. Then there was apple crisp for dessert and he ate that too!

I made brownies for my boss's 50th birthday tomorrow. We are all wearing black in honor of his big day! Sam and Daddy took a nap. I also got some letters ready to send our congressmen and senators about the Guatemala 5000.

Blake came by and dropped off her fundraiser loot I had purchased. She said I don't talk about her on my blog enough. She is a freshman this year and busy with JV Volleyball this year. She constantly teases me because I am shorter than her now. Little does she know, I am not very tall, so it doesn't take much! LOL...