and a ton of fun with friends! My roommate from college Katie called last week and said her husband was out to town for a bachelor party for the weekend and invited Sam and I up! What a great idea! We had so much fun and had a low key, with little planned in advance weekend. The low stress and great time was just what the doctor ordered! So much so that being back and work today has been less than desirable!
Our boys, Sam and Patrick, they are 2.5 months apart - Patrick is older and very well potty trained, Sam, not even close---
All the kiddos, Kierstan is 4 going on 10 - what a total princess. She was such a lady and sooo much fun. The museum was having a vacation nation theme for spring break and the kids got glasses. Sam's face is so big that they were to tight to fit on straight, hee hee.
Coming down the Curious George slide. He would only use his belly?!?
Scary dinosaurs - Sam wasn't too sure about the claws. He was very scare of the dinosaurs to begin with, but towards the end, he like it. After we got home, this was all he talked about. Not the trains, or the fish, or the water&sand table, or the slide or Curious George, but the dinosaurs. According to Sam that is all we saw yesterday. It was so cute!
Our Palentologist - Once againg the goggles were tight enough they left a mark.
Thanks to Katie, Kierstan and Patrick for letting us crash your house and taking us to the museum. It is so good to catch up with old (meaning known them for awhile, not age old) friends. We are excited to meet Kierstan & Patrick's new sibling later this summer, too!
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8 months ago