He is a tooth filled grin (he as 6 teeth -4 top, 2 bottom)
Playful Joe
Concentration with my bottom lip out.
He points well, I want that...
And loves to talk on the phone (mama's boy!)
We are having so much fun learning Joe's personality. We have not seen any issues with transition thus far. He crawls all over the place and can destroy the room in a matter of seconds. He likes to pack and upack things, including the trash. He crusises along furniture and walked from mama to daddy this morning a couple of steps. His little voice is precious...he has a few words that we have noticed. He clearly says mama (yeah), dada, ba for ball and ba, ba for bottle. His is pretty vocal. He's a great eater, too. That leaves me to a question. He likes chocolate baby cereal - anyone headed to Wal-mart? The one we have is made by Nestle. Can you let me know if they have it. Thanks!! More later, we are headed out for a walk. Nice temperature, but too cold to swim.