Morgan and the boys and I did all of our Christmas decorating. Dan was home and did some supervision. He's not really into decorating but loves the end result, go figure... We had a great time, listened to festive music. This is the 1st year for us to use our big tree again (due to space constraints). This was my tree from home many years ago and it was packed with ornaments from childhood. I loved going thru them and remembering the reason behind the ornaments. Morgan even found and loved a couple of ornaments that my mom (her grandma, too) had made, so she kept those. We put up our small tree in the boys playroom and then decorated the outside a little, as well! I love this time of year, at home with the overhead lights off and the tree lights on at night. We enjoyed a snack of popcorn and watched Thomas Christmas. Lastly, Morgan and I spent the night out in the living room by the tree.
21 Darling Pincushion Patterns To Sew
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