Yepo, we are on cold #2 for Mr. Joe. But he is such a doll, just likes to snuggle more. So, mama's plan to let him cry it out in his crib is on hold...gotta go with the instincts. But along with colds, we hope we have added so much more to your life, Joseph.
-A forever home
-A forever big family on both sides
-A brother from Guatemala
-A mama who could just squeeze you everytime she sees you
-A daddy to whom you give your best smiles of the day
-Gerber puffs and chewies
-French fries
-Cow's milk (although Sam drank your powdered milk the other day when we were out)
-Sam's trains when he naps
-Lots of books
-Powder (you love baby powder)
-Toilet paper and kleenex's
You have given us so much these 2 months. Grandma said last night it seems like we have had you forever, so true. Your presence erases all the pain of waiting for you. You are really playing independently even in a seperate room, go to the sitters well, and just toddle around everywhere. Thanks for saving your first steps for us to share.