This morning I spent some time preparing journals/photo books for our mission trip with our church youth group next week. We will spend time each day in small groups reflecting on the day. Sometimes it seems that certain youth feel open to participate, but others are shyer about opening up. I thought that the option of a journal might give each one their own exprience instead of just living through anothers thoughts??? I bought these 2 dollar albums and slipped a title page in each one, then they can pick up a card each evening and journal if they want, at the very least, they have a photo album for the trip...
The stack of 32 completed.
I found a quote that is oh so universal..."Not because I was perfect, but because I was present." You may hear some more on that one from me later...
I made a slight mess, but was done in 1.5 hours.
Had some help from Joe. Grandmas love this kind of stuff, off to her house for the refrigerator.
And a little help from the CARS dvd.
I am hopeful that we will have an eventful but safe trip. I am prayerful that we will be used as God's hands in St. Louis. I am anxious about leaving my little men for a week. Please PRAY for us as we serve where we have been called.
33 Homemade Remedies For Cleaning The House!
7 months ago