
Tator Tot Casserole

Tator Tot Casserole.
Yummy. Goodness
We could eat it every week I think.
But we're not sure it is on the healthy side of things
and we've been trying to do better there.

But it is perfect for my ever loving kitchen helper.
This boy LOVES the kitchen.
He enjoys the final product but likes making it even more.
Last week were were visiting aunt Christine's - she was
having their pastor over the next night for dinner and needed help making a cake.
Sam was her man, but he didn't realize he wasn't going to get a piece of the jello cake.
He cried as he left and then called her the next day to see if there was any left...
she proudly brought him a platefull!

Give it a try, simple and satisfying!

This makes a small casserole dish, double it for a 9x13 pan, let me know if you like it!