
Our January

We've had an uneventful = blessed January.
Not much school, that is going to catch up with us.
It has been bitter cold 1 degree today, so many delays and some cancellations
do to snow. 

Proud of my boys and their exceptional grades last term.
Orange Leaf (discount for A's) was in order.
And a Graber game night where we played
a great game of Life (I prefer the older version)

And Twister, not the most flattering pic of me, but
this is our blog and want my boys to remember that we had fun times
here this the proof.
DH was the spinner but he was laughing so hard that he couldn't keep up.

And we have had fun watching Sam play with the 2nd grade Lions
and a league in Bloomfield.  He plays on Sundays for about a month, a tourney is coming up in February.

And there had been work of course.  It doesn't look like it here
because they were sending Dan a message that they were thirsty.
Crazies that I work with, yikes.  Co workers do make work fun though!

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