We pushed back our vaca once, but still had to miss the last 2 days of school.
We know those days are numbered as the boys get older
and activities and commitments become even more!
Both boys had a great year making super grades and earning good remarks in conduct.
Joe chose a items for a gift basket for Mrs. Wagler
I worked the book fair one of the last days of school,
I had two favorite customers...
there are no words, but this is Joe
about 95% of the time
Sam chose a super large pencil for his teacher.
He was VERY proud of it
It dipped down to the 50s their last day of school
The days are long but the years are short.
How I wish I could bottle time.
I told DH I love the boys at this stage and he said I say that at every stage.
I do. I hope I always do.
I love hearing what they learn, their interests, their friends, their likes and dislikes...
I really like being here for them, being present every.single,day.
Sam brought home a step by step volcano poster
and Joe had to make his own. It was about growing a flower.