
Great Sunday Swim

Our Cool Saturday Skate was followed by a Great Sunday swim
after church, of course!

Look at these two love birds.
Sweet as can be.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE having a pool full?

Look at the dive from JOE.

Mo spent a long while teaching Sam to dive.
First person he has listened to, I've tried before.
He tried pretty hard to learn from her, too!

As good as we got, but I was impressed he tried!
He was determined to get it right.

We finished the night with some Chinese takeout and watched 
Indiana Jones, which was an experience in itself.
I remember watching it when I was young.
It was rated PG, but a little more creepy than I remembered...
but now they are hooked and we went back to the library to rent a couple more in the series.
They are growing up, I tell ya.
Best part of the night was when we were in the middle of watching had just finished a scene
where they jump in a pit of spiders...Sam jumps up and says...A SPIDER.
We all laughed and ignored him when Dan realized there was a small spider crawling on Sam's shirt.
TOO FUNNY, A big time memory for sure.