Sam had his first 18 hole invitational golf tournament last Saturday.
DH and I were both able to go, I thoroughly enjoy golf.
I consider it pretty relaxing.
I wanted a picture of him, I caught him telling me he was going to be serious.
We are in this stage. No smile.
But, really we got a ton of smiles.
He had a very good day.
On the driving range with teammates.
It was a rainy,cold Saturday.
He golfed in the 4 position on his team with golfers from Borden and Jennings County.
We golfed at Otis Park, a nice city course.
This was my view for most of the day.
It was pretty miserable in the rain.
But, this guy was having a great round of golf.
He was driving balls in the fairway, chipping balls onto the green,
and making some long puts. Now, we just have to put it all together on the same holes!
Seriously, though, he has made so many improvements this year.
And, mentally stronger as well.
This hole was straight up and Sam played it well.
He has a supportive golf dad!

This was our conditions all day.
And the golf cart collected some stuff after 4.5 hours.
Some crackers (still recovering from our illness), freshly clipped lilac,
wet club covers, course directions, drinks and super cold wet toes.
First time playing out of a sand bunker. Did you know you don't use a sand wedge
out of here, what? Insert rolled eyes.
Sam scored 2nd best on his team.
We had 2 other boys with us and their parents were fun to spend the afternoon with.
We were able to encourage the boys through tough weather conditions, help them find slightly off course balls and had fun in the rain. We laughed about wet shoes and wet pants and wished each other well.
Looking forward to some more golf meets, if the weather would cooperate!