So I decided to switch blog spots. I like the options this site offers more. Figured I really like this posting thing. It is the longest I have kept a diary a virtual scrapbook of our lives. But I have a lot of posts from my previous site. I think I will move them over so that I can have them in one spot. Bear with me as I add them today. More to come!
My name is Ashley (or Mama - depending on who you ask)! I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Dan, for 17 years. I am the lucky mama to two handsome boys, Sam and Joe. They are our chosen children brought into our lives by adoption. I will strive to be a faithful child of God, loving wife, wonderful mother, caring Pharmacist, active church member and loyal friend and family member. I may be tired at the end of the day, but wish to hear, "Job well done."