Can you believe I did a whole post about St. Louis and nothing about the Cardinals?!? We went to St. Louis this past weekend with Grandpa and Grandpa and had a great time. And while daddy & Grandpa went to the Cardinals game, that is not what Sam did and we all know who takes the best pics...Sam. So here's how the weekend went. We left on Saturday AM and enjoyed a great day at Grant's Farm (I highly recommend it) and ate a great dinner at CheeseCake Factory (yummy). We enjoyed Sunday AM at Forrest Park and then they headed to the game while Jean and I went to Union Station. We had a great time.
Sam's favorites: feeding the goats milk, chasing the chickens, the elephants, running thru the water misters with Grandpa (pretty sure Grandpa liked this,too) and the animal show, the train ride thru the park, ice cream after dinner, water feature at park and the fish at Union Station
Not so fun: the car ride (again) - although he did great, the camel slurping at our face (see photo above - this one as my fault, we were in the pins with all the other animals, so we got up close to take a pic with the camel - as if he were going to turn to the camera and smile?!? Anyway - he lunged at us and I jumped and Sam cried. Later he said "so scared!!") and trying to take a nap at Union Station.
Thanks Grandpa for wonderful weekend and for all you do for us.
Dan, Ashley and Sam (Joe, too)
PS The Cardinals got beat, so it was OK that I didn't have a ticket...