My niece started a blog a few months back.
You should go visit her at
Her blog is my FAVORITE, I love reading it.
In fact, anymore, some times her blog is the only one I get to very often!

I was nominated for a couple awards,
back in my prime blogging days, fun to be picked again!
Here are the rules for this award...
The rules are:
Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
Answer a few questions about yourself.
Nominate 5-10 blogs that you love.
Include the award logo with your blog post.
I'll start with my answers to the questions and then I'll nominate a few people :)
Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging so that I could remember details about our life that I might otherwise forget.
I blog for my boys, for my family...I bind in once a year via blog2print.
There is nothing to lose really, it is free and a precious reminder of our jewels!
How do you think blogging has changed your life?
There have been times that I have documented something via photos, that I might have thought wasn't important, just so I could blog about it. There is nothing to regret about that, nothing to be ashamed of, the beauty of a blog is that someone clicked the link for you blog to read it.
If they don't enjoy the content, get tired of hearing about this or how awesome my kids are..
they can chose not to return ;)
Has blogging created friendships for you?
So my best blogger friend
(outside of those who blog and also leave near, and my awesome niece)
and we have met
but we have kept up via our blogs and other social media outlets
since the time we were united in Guatemala in 2006.
So yep, I would say blogging has made me a pretty important friend.
What is your number one tip for blogging?
Some things don't belong on the blog,
I try to keep it real on my blog,
laughing about the quirks in life...
but there are some details about my boys' birth stories
and our life story
that are just ours.
There is a beauty in that,
knowing that God has created this family and knit us together,
I want to keep some of that for myself.
What is your favorite kind of blog post to write and read?
Anything home decor
about kids
about our awesome God.
Is it hard to keep up with blogging and your regular every day life?
Nope, I blog when I want to blog.
I don't force writing a blog post because when I do, it doesn't come out very interesting.
When I look back at my past posts, I can tell when I posted out of obligation or 'to mark it off my list.
I don't feel guilty about skipping days or weeks,
I don't count how many days a month I post,
I need to proofread more.
How much time do you spend blogging?
My I phone allows me to start posts from my Iphone pics,
so I use down times (like school pick up and waiting at practices)
to start my posts -save them as a draft, then I edit them on my laptop at night after the boys are in bed...
which adds to why I need to proofread more (wink).
I depends on my mood - tonight I have been blogging for 1.5 hours.
But, I probably won't blog again for several days
(big craft room construction underway)
What is your most popular blog post?
makes me miss my baby crafter boy
What is your favorite post on your blog?
A favorite?
Probably the series of these...
So many real life details, that alone are tough to post about,
but as a daily photo make a wonderful collection of your life.
Thank you Blake Martina for your nomination.
I had fun answering these questions,
and remembering why I blog.