to the embassy in Guatemala that is! How awesome is that? Just like that, we ask for prayers to be answered and Voila!
So, everyone saw my post yesterday asking for thoughts on getting ORANGE, well, I guess we got ORANGE on Friday and I didn't know it. {Isn't that the best kind of news? The kind that is past before you've gotton tired of waiting}
There are too many god-things from today that I have to share.
1. I opened my email this morning to a message from my way back to childhood friend Andi. She made ORANGE-kool aid out of the blue last night, brought it to work with her(she always drinks Pepsi) then checked by blog and saw the post about ORANGE from yesterday.
2. Then, at work today, our drugs came wrapped in ORANGE rubber bands (not normal). We had enough for all of us to wear around all day.
3. Went to lunch with Kia, picked up ML from preschool and her snack was cookies and juice, I asked what color...ORANGE!!!!
Got back from lunch to an email from our coordinator that stated that Joe had DNA taken on Friday (yes, last Friday, and that it was already at the US lab for processing!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yipee.......this means we are on to
So, we took off our orange bracelets and scribbled the word PINK on them, and changed the colors of our prayers.
4. The very next drug waiting for me to check it was none other than generic Darvocet, means nothing to some, but to others that know their is pink - rip roaring pink, every last tab in the bottle starring at me was PINK!!!! How cool is that?
Last awesome news from stating the Fed Ex has our results on the way back to embassy in Guatemala. They should arrive tommorrow. PINK is in our future.
Anyway, huge thanks to my peeps at work that keep me going everyday. Thanks for all the fun today! Joe, we are really coming little man, we are coming!
14 Clever Ways to Reuse Old Socks
3 days ago