We finally made to the all time best theme park this past Sunday. Holiday World is only an hour from our house, but we almost didn't make it this summer! It has a great water park and nice size theme park - the best part this summer was free admission, thanks to Uncle Darrin! We had a great time with Dan's family.
Ok, so I did have one huge brain fart. See us coming down the water slide? That is Aunt Shannon, Me, Grandpa, and Sam. See, he met the height requirement, I just sometimes forget that my 2&1/2 year old wears size 5 clothes. He did fine all the way up. When we got to the top, he said I don't like it...oops, only one way day, now! So we loaded up, and began to slide, and Sam screamed and sobbed in terror all the way down. I felt so bad, I was practically shaking when we got done, just because of him, poor guy. I will think a little more next time!
Sam had a great time with his cousin Dryce, see you next Summer Santa!