What do 2 mom's do with a 5 and a 4 and a 3 and a 2 year old?
Well, just exactly what they want to do.
This was while the 2 daddy's dragged their deer out of the woods (and did whatever you do to them).
We (the 2 mommys and 2 daddys) played rock band to end the night
and the 4 kids banged on pots and pans and jumped on the couch.
We discovered that our best parts were:
Dan- drums
Brent -guitar
Me -Singing (who would've thought?)
and Melissa - Dancing (no this wasn't really a rock band part, but the kids really loved it so I think it should be)
Tons of throw it together, {invite yourself over to their house}, kinda fun - Thanks Guys!
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