
Rainbow Cupcakes

Celebrating 4 with Sam's Preschool Friends
DH helped me make Rainbow Cupcakes
Can you guess what letter they learned this week in preschool?
He sat in a special chair as they sang Happy Birthday to him.
He told them that his birthday was Christmas Day.  They giggled.
I am so glad that he can share preschool with his cousin Drew, they share a desk.
He also got a prize {from the treasure chest} for his attendance chart being full

And then we made a trip to this place.
Mama doesn't usually like these places
{bad experience with a kid who didn't feel well, inside one of the tubes-gag}
This was Sam's first real adventerous trip inside one of these, still didn't do the slide!

We took this little miss with us from preschool, Sam goes with her too!

And met this favorite friend of mine who had worked the morning,
 then got in the tubes with Joe so that he would enjoy them.

Then we went to see Dr. R for our 4 year well check.
Sam is 59lbs and 46 inches tall -still above the charts {but is on the chart}.
He named all the shapes Dr. R asked
counted well
colors mastered
and generally had good conversation with him.
He thinks we are right on track -
We are so thankful for a healthly {almost} 4 year old!
Finished off with a trip to Walmart, laundry, dinner, haircut for DH,
and wrapped all the presents that I have to date.
Planning to pack for our beach vacation tomorrow - only 12 days away!!!