to celebrate his upcoming birthday. We will talk about that later.
I remember him sitting in this special chair for the kids to
sing to him last year, and this year was no exception.
As soon as I heard the letter for the week,
I knew if I asked he would be certain on the treat he wanted to bring.
We talked about his letter being "P" and about all things that begin with P,
to which he said, can I bring Popsicles.
So we did, in the freezing weather,
we brought popsicles(chocolate ones)
and they were a hit.
We also brought pretzels and punch to drink.
just before snacks.
And then we had lunch at LB
and brought this sweet man home with us to bake cookies.
And defend the homefront as all superheros might do.
but made yummy dinner of ham and green beans.
DH has a cold and all 3 boys were sleeping by 7pm
so mama wrapped presents and worked on laundry.