
Father Son Campout 13

This weekend was the father son campout at church.
I was hoping for a couple more pics to share (from DH via texting)
but there was so much fun to be had that there was no time for pics.
There was evidence of camping left in the house when I got home from work yesterday.
There was the empty battery package (for flashlights no doubt)
and a pile of wet clothes that had been traded on a quick trip home for a new set to get dirty as well...
and then there were the grouchy bears that came home late last night to escape the rain.
And the clean folded little boys underwear  that returned not used in the clothing bag.
These were the signs that a great time had been had.
I let them rest and when they woke this morning, the stories began, and indeed it did sound
fun, wet and muddy, but fun!
I had a mighty nice evening with a girlfriend and her mom from church as well.  Their guys were at the campout too so we did some shopping and a had a nice dinner as well! 

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