
Okaloosa Days: 4

We were blessed with beautiful beach weather. 
It was sunny and hot with no rain for our whole trip.
We were up early to take in the sites on Memorial Day.

The condo looks very peaceful and calm before the bustle of activity starts!

I'm able to reflect on how the boys have grown when I watch them walk around this area.
We once protected them from the roadway that was near, had to hold hands and tell them not to get to far ahead. Now they lead the way and rarely look back.

Smiles (from some) used to be easier to come by.
My how they have grown.

I headed down early for a long beach morning.
God's reward is time for devotion and reflection and prayer - wonder at his amazing creations.

 Goal for trips (now that boys are a bit older) is two books, one fun read and one educational.
I generally gravitate toward the fun read, but this book was excellent.
Well written, informative - right on!

A Memorial Day fly over from the Naval Base at the end of the Island 
was a great reminder of how thankful we are to live in the US.  
Joe caught these pics and we had a nice talk about the meaning of
Memorial Day.

The big boys were golfing (again) and Joe and I decided to pack up early afternoon
for a trip to mini golf. This went in just down the block from our condo so we could walk there!

We sent this to Sam and DH since Joe had found the sand trap, too!

Out of pockets and in charge of the scorecard.

We all spent the afternoon poolside and then walked 
across the street to try a new restaurant.
It was delicious.

No trouble finishing off that steamer plate!

 We packed up and headed back early the next morning
to head home to watch a very special niece play in her softball regional tournament
and still have a couple days at home before work rolled in again!

We were rewarded with a nice surprise as Grandma and Grandpa came and mowed our lawn
while we were gone! Nice treat since we were home for 45 minutes before Dan
 and Joe went to a baseball game for Joe, and Sam and I went to Jaelyn's game!