
Covid 19 || Intentional Time

Doing our best with our extra time.
We are 
For me, that is making lists of things we can use this time for
like devotionals, bible verses, reading, projects, cooking, games...etc etc.
And I'm sure the boys would prefer I was a little less list oriented
but they are doing pretty well.
Sam had a hard time with missing the trip.  A week later, he seems to understand it's out of our control
and that we plan to travel at another time. Joe fluxuates between ok and not ok with being cooped up with family only - he's our social guy...
they completed all their elearning during the week with little prompting, I'm thankful for that.

We took some time this week to learn how to make biscuits and gravy

And Joe measured and made a homemade mallett keyboard to practice for band.
We used 2 bouncy balls and metal skewers for the sticks.

And we cleaned out our school paper treasures for the last couple years
and parted with some not as special ones but laughed over the ones we had forgotten!
Might have been more driveway ball...this does not always end as friends.
We are working on that.  
They are intentional with each other and their words...we can just leave it at that, ha!

One turned to baseball and the other to reading outside...I was pulling weeds and pruning a bush.
And thankful
 golf lessons are still allowed so we went over to French Lick for one of those
Joe and I went on a great walk - loved it!

There was no one in sight - anywhere.  
The hotel closed 2 days later until further notice.
And by the time we got back home, this guy had fallen asleep
We enjoyed a crock pot stew potatoes and carrots for supper.
It was delicious, but I am terrible at gravy, ha!

Sam's art assignment, Michaelango...(something, something) - I thought it was pretty cool.

Dan and Sam went to church today - Sam went for a small instruction class and Dan
went to receive tithes if people wanted to bring today.
Joe loading our church service today at home.
We watched Berea and Redemption - both had good messages. Thankful for our pastors who continue to lead in trepid times.  Our faith is critical in times like these.
Sam also prayed Psalm 91 over our family today.
I loved hearing him read the word.
Sneak peak of the red room repainted - and the old plug and play nintendo for some smiles.

We've had time for games this week!  We've played Apples to Apples,Sequence, Otrio and Scrabble.
We were terrible at Scrabble, seriously.  We laughed at ourselves.
We continue to watch Jeopardy together every night, we've all got a book going too