My kid makes me laugh, especially when it is time for a bath. This is defined differently depending on the household! You might expect Sam to squeal and run to the bathroom, instead, he looks for his rubbermaid tote. Since we don't have a tub (just a stand up shower), we use the kitchen. It started with the sink, which we quickly outgrew, so we came up with a great solution. So when I tell Sam it is bath time, he runs to the laundry area, grabs his rubbermaid storage tote and drags it to the kitchen. All the while, we hear gruting and sighing, "Heaby, ma, heaby" It's not really heavy, but is awakard for the little guy. Mama puts it up on the counter, fills it with water and Sam gladly plays with kitchen cups while mama does the dishes. I know, this is a little weird. But, I am sad to see this tradition go. You see, I am a multi tasker. I can very safely wash a sink of dishes while Sam sits within arms reach and enjoys his bath...What am I going to do with an actual bath tub????? Guess daddy will have to do dishes.
33 Homemade Remedies For Cleaning The House!
8 months ago