
Our boys are getting bigger...

We received new measurements for Joe today. In December at 4 months, Joe was a wee bit bigger than in November when we visited. He has grown a lot since birth and is developing very well.

4 months: Weight 12lb 10 oz; Length 24 in.

Now if I could just get my hands on the little man!

We also went to the pediatrician today for Sam's 2 year check-up. Sam does really good for Dr. Ruff, but puts on that shy act like he does with everyone new is around. Dr. Ruff said he is right on target, doesn't need to see him until he is 3!!!!! I couldn't believe it, that's a whole year. Now let's hope we stay healthy for that year!

2years: Weight 46lbs; Length 38.5 in

They say that at 2 you can double the height for an adult prediction: That's 6ft 4in...I think Sam would be considered a Guatemalan Giant!

Sure do love these boys.....so thankful for their health.