

Soaking up the last of a couple of slow winter days
Soon, the weather will be nice and all the things spring and summer will be on our plate.
I made the boys BandG on a school day, unheard of around these parts.
It was a hit.

Another day, Sam and I made a strawberry crisp from a recipe we found in pinterest.
It was very good.  I wasn't sure about cooked strawberries, but they don't disappoint in any form, ha!

We had grilled pork cutlets that night.  Joe helped me finish them up.
 I intend to have them both pretty capable in the kitchen some day!

That sweet teen smile.  Depends on the day, they come in spurts 
so we cherish them when they come.

Also, we are at that stage to leave the boys home for short times.
We've laid down the law and have things they are not to do
But I have no idea why because I am pretty sure this is what it looks like the entire time
we are gone...

This picture looks like hot mess to me but I am sure it looks like comfort to them.
We left them home one morning and I'm pretty sure we returned to the same state!

Plus the empty snack cabinet....

And a painting project from Joe.  

That Fortnite poster disappeared right into Sam's room as soon as it dried.
Pretty sure that is his form of appreciation!