
Our Quinn Scott

I saw this *brilliant* idea for a sweet baby girl photo shoot
and her mama was all game.

We gathered all the needed sunflowers

From my SIL Gander Hill Gardens

They were arranged
and sweet baby girl,
Quinn Scott
 came with all of her smiles
in her chicken print dress.
She smiled so sweet sitting in her Papaw Scott's Childhood wagon.

 What better time to rave about the joy this girl brings our family.
She is laid back, so very sweet, quick to smile, does not meet
a stranger and she is so scrumptiously snuggable.
She is pure joy and we are thankful she is ours!

And then time for the main event - the sunflower milk bath - all the Pinterest rage!
But, it was a few pics later and a costume change or a warm but breezy late September evening...
with lukewarm milk bath and alas our ALWAYS smiley Quinn Scott
was not having one bit of this nonsense!!!!

We tried all angles for a max of 2 minutes - I snapped trying to get  just one smiley shot.
But, we sure did capture some sweet images anyway
then we snatched her up and snuggled the sniffles away.  

Graham was very curious about this bucket of water - he rather enjoyed it!
It appears we picked the wrong kiddo!

Fun memories made and and A for effort! Ha!