
A month of Basketball for Sam

January was full of cold weather but we found ourselves warm in the gym a lot of evenings.
Sam's 7th grade team played a big game against Barr Reeve at LHS. 
The team came together and played very well.
They were supported by the varsity team, that meat a lot to have them all there.

They are friends/competitors with a lot of these boys.  It's quite a rivalry every year.

They came out on top in this one.  

I've also been working at keeping up with Friday Forecasters, seem to be stuck in the middle of the pack, ha!  At least I am not last.

Sam had a big game at Wood Memorial.  He was able to play a lot and had a very good game.
He is becoming stronger and more confident with taking up shots from inside.

Another home game, they played Shoals and won.

Best part of this game was their sweet fans.  

We have constant height comparison in our family. 
These boys are always trying to inch taller than their cousins.

We spent the weekend playing at Southridge, played a lot of teams
and the boys did very well.
Up next weekend in Jasper tournament.

 I enjoy soaking up all the games. 
 I like being in the gym.
I like being present when they look for reassurance. 
I like supporting and encouraging the boys.
I like seeing them succeed and learn when they don't.
I like cleaning the uniforms.
I don't know and I don't really care, I waited for a time like this.
Doing my best to soak it up - one game at a time.