
Lessons For Mom

Dear Lord,
Remind me he isn't six.
Remind me he is Thirteen.
Remind me he is capable and needs independence.
Remind me that he asked to be dropped off for a morning of golf (alone, eeks)
to refocus from a tough competition.  
Remind me that this is where he finds himself and teaches himself to recover from life's challenges.
Remind me that he has phone for a reason, for heaven sakes.  

Remind me, Lord that ultimately he is your child simply entrusted to me.

There were a million reasons why I felt terrible dropping him off at the golf course alone
on this Monday morning before I headed to work.
But, he asked to go - he got up early on summer break to go.
He has a phone and pops is less than a few miles away at the farm.
But, still, I struggled - he looked 6 to me (I know ridiculous,even so I cry as I type this).

It would be so much easier to bottle him up, 
but oh the victories we would miss from that front row seat of parenthood.