
Day Off Well Spent

I had this Friday off about a month ago with surprisingly nothing 
scheduled - it was early spring so too early for flowers or the pool
and it was a bit windy anyway.
I got a call that these sweeties were available for a hour before preschool.
We went for a McD date. They love their hashbrowns!
We colored and laughed and then it was time to shuttle them to school!

And it was off to the high school to see Jaelyn present 
a tech project she had been a part of thru IU and Stimulus engineering.
It was a very cool project for designing, building, and programming robots,
It was streamed live on Facebook and a state representative was there.  Pretty neat!

Jaelyn said it wasn't a big deal, but I thought it was very cool.
Anyway, I made her this sign and kept flashing it up on my phone from the
audience.  It made her LOL, that was all that mattered!

Her brother and cousin thought it was neat too, asking questions...

And then this guy had asked for a lunch date.
And I remembered how these are winding down, after 4th grade 
Sam didn't agree to any more lunch dates with mom!

Then I'm sure I did some laundry and it was time for school pick up
and my 6th grader met me at the door! It was one of the last
days he carried his saxophone to school. 
 He opted not to do band
next year, sniff.

Again, I'll say it, I'm the weird one that loves all of this.
The to and from from school, the days broken into pieces
and fitting in seeing their activities.  
I love every bit of their school days.