
Signs of Spring!

Just some everyday moments to remember!  This time of the year leaves a small lull
in our schedule that is glorious and allows us to soak up some everyday moments!
Joe continues to love all things STEM and project lead the way at our school
added some excellent wiring and circuit topics.
Joe was excited to show us his creations.
His mind is challenged with these type of activities and we love that our school 
continues to be innovative in these areas.

We celebrated a birthday for our delivery driver Tony at work.
 I made this snack bouquet!

And as we gear up for warmer weather, Sam has started golf practice!
He is looking forward to the season very much and has some friends
playing this year. It is evident how much he is looking forward to it
because he willingly gathered all his stuff and cleaned his clubs before the first practice!

And of course the same is true for this guy and his baseball!
Lions Baseball and Softball is just around the corner!

This guy got the scrap booking stuff back out again - insert heart emoji!
I have been working on flowers for prom and a special wedding- reveals coming up
when the time allows-and spent some time on the basement craft area!

And this guy is near spending his free time playing fort nite on occasion.
This is a video game that is a large source of debate among many.
Allow them to play or not - does it consume them? Etc.

We have chosen to allow them to play (Joe isn't a gamer tho) but drastically limit their time
and also it has become a source of leverage for poor behavior. 
We are working on encouraging the boys to set appropriate limits, use timers on their devices, etc.
This is just another area in teaching them to be responsible adults!

This. Love!