
NCAA Brackets

The NCAA tournament was big deal around this house.
We all filled out a bracket of our pick to win the big dance.
We had our own group at home that Sam made on the ESPN app
and we joined the one at my work and one from a local business.
Big stakes, I tell you, ha!

We watched all the games that we were home for and some that we recorded when we were not.
We had celebrations as our team advanced and despair when our picks got beat.
We watched upsets and sure fire victories.  
We razzed each other about our positions in the competitions.

We sat on the edge of our seats.

Or stood even though there was a seat near - we begged to stay up a little later.

We wore our favorite team's gear

I was made fun of for choosing Virginia, I mean they were out in the first round last year.  

But, alas!  My team was the winner! 

Might be the only year I come out on top, so I better document my championship!

Now I get to pick our place for dinner!!!