
Covid 19|| Week 3

Week 3 brought the cases closer to Daviess and Martin Co, by week end it had officially 
arrived - quite certain it was already here this was just the most official record.

The covid 19 quarantine certainly has increased the bonding between these too.
Most days its competitive but it seems to work for both of them

Early in the week, the Wittmer catering special was posted so we ordered one for our family.
It was well timed and tasted delicious after a long shift of  on Friday night that week -work 8-7 and the farm is ramping up too so DH got home late. A lot of the food businesses are being creative
with take out - they have been ordered closed for dining in.  All weddings and graduations parties
have been cancelled - so we are ordering out some to help keep these businesses successful (and a little to keep our sanity too).
We have been abundantly blessed with food and every single thing we need
during the quarantine. The school does kids lunches every Tuesday and this is
one weeks items!  We skipped a week because we had trouble getting thru the 
first two weeks' supply!  Thankful for our blessings.
Grandma has generously worked hard Sam's elementary/middle school tshirt quilt over the winter
and it worked perfect for Sam to help finish it up over this break.  He has not slept without it
since it came home.
He and DH also worked hard to redo his headboard into his preferred team...
the blanket finishes it perfectly.

More evidence of the competitive love

Oh and the difference in these two...Joe constantly has a project. Above he is drilling 
a tennis ball so attach to a self made agility ball suspended from his fan in his bedroom.
It worked exactly as you might have imagined.
And Sam below - aside from missing his friends and golf - he's pretty satisfied. 
Haha, he has done some pretty productive things, too...

And then we found out that school ordered closed for the rest of the school year.
Much disappointment from our family.  It meant so many things we look forward to and enjoy
were cancelled as well.  
We continue to be thankful for health and jobs 
and the additional family time with which we have been blessed.  
There has also been an increased reliance on God that comes when times are uncertain.  
This is something that I struggle to maintain at the level which i should...when times are good my reliance wanes a little - certainly now the reliance on God is at a peak.
I've begun to think on how to capture a portion of this when everything returns to "normal".
How do we keep the peace that comes with knowing we have nowhere to run off to or 
no urgency in completing a project because if we don't we will be so busy we can't...
or does it make us to complacent?  
I found time to clean out my fiesta cabinet and multitask as I listened to Joe recite bible memory verses.  It took a portion of 2 days - and I worked an 11 hour shift in between those.
In the past, I would have never started a project like this 
and know it wouldn't be complete the same day!  
I enjoyed it this time.



We were gifted with Grandma Great's (Ida) china - the picture above is certainly Ida's china but we aren't sure of it's original origin.
And this china was given to Ezra and Ida when they got married - 6 sets each from their parents.
I also have my Grandmother Summers China - 


I mentioned that quarantine has brought us new meals...Ramens were in the school package...and NONE of us has had them.  They kinda taste like Lipton bagged noodles but I don't think there is any danger in them becoming a favorite for any of us! 
Boo!  I missed seeing my baseball loving boy play his last year of "Little League".
And so it sinks in that I also missed the last of the 6th grade (middle school) milestones for Joe
and 8th grade (junior high) milestones for Sam - these hail in comparison to health
or other larger milestones or events - but still missed in our family.

Bless Grandma's heart, she has been determined to feed me at work during this,
I am not missing meals, it's the one thing we can do!  HA
She made a delicous chicken/rice casserole and cupcake from Sam!
This week though (Week 4) she brought me salad...wonder if she got a sneak peek at me sometime
between this meal and the salad delivery!!  Tee hee. 
Rounding out week 3 still garbed up at work.
 I also wore my mask to grocery and hardware store this week.