
Christmas Eve

Reflecting on our Christmas eve brings me a lot of joy.
We had a really great family day.
It was a start of a new season having Christmas eve off.  
We also didn't have plan at all this day since our traditional Walker family gathering was
moved this year. 

Boys wanted to make gingerbread houses and each picked out a kit.  This was
and epic creation.  We spent a good LONG while creating. 

Joe had a mini breakdown and dad had to come to the rescue (of the house and the attitude both) tee hee

We were having so much fun that we got some regular cardboard and supplies from the cabinet and made our own creative creations.  Obviously, I would choose a beach theme!  
It came with an epic mess.  
Sam made a golf clubhouse with a green, sand trap and water feature. 
I had time to set the table for our Christmas morning breakfast 
We ended up at Will and Jill's for Christmas eve even though we had already gathered for our official time together.  Sam created a craps table (hand drawn) during COVID so we took it and boys had fun learning the rules.  

Jaelyn and Jill doing the traditional school song dance.  I hope they never out grow this.  
We celebrate Sam's 15th birthday (it was Jill's birthday and Will's on 26th) with a grandma cake, yum!