Today is August 5, mama is home...ready to play with her boys and celebrate your birthday! Of course I can't believe you are already 2. I still remember that day in the IV office at work when they gave us your referral. When she read your birthday as the same day as mine, I knew you were our forever son. We waited until the next afternoon for your photos to arrive by mail and we were in love. I quickly booked our 1st visit trip, missed you at christmas, couldn't wait until our 2nd visit trip, cried when we missed your 1st birthday while we made you a build-a-bear, and jumped for joy when our pink slip arrived for pick up. Our pick up trip was amazing, time for bonding with baby and mama and dada. You bring a furry to our lives that was not there before, a hustle and bustle that I would miss if not present. I love your tiny frame, your sparkling eyes, your inquisitive mind, and sweet voice.
I love you Joseph Daniel Luis, my two year old gift from God.
At 2 you:
Wake up happy, but don't like bedtime as well, prefer to be rocked but wiggle until we finally lay you down
Sleep all night in your crib
Love jammies
Eat independently, only the items you want
Prefer sweets to meat, not so fond of veggies
Love to sit in a booster, but are neater still in your high chair
Reserved in the swimming pool, crazy in the grass
Love our kitties
If Grandma is around, you are on her tail or in her arms
If you hear a tractor you say Papaw
Still get excited when you see Sammy
Love all your cousins and the funny things they teach you
Growl (thanks to Blake)
Say Mama, Dada, Juice, Mamaw, Papaw, Guato, Mala, Bubble, No (of course), Bye bye and repeat most things we say (the English is staring to sink in!), Choo choo, O'Toodles
Have a funny look out top of eyes and use it appropriately
Like TV only if you can play with remote
Love Thomas the Train, Mickey Mouse
Can bring me to frustration and back to complete love in a matter of seconds...
Happy Birthday Little Man,