
Kindergarten so Far

Joe is settling into Kindergarten.
We went thru a little transition time where it seemed like every evening
he had a little meltdown.
We struggled with knowing what was causing his frustration,
but in the back of my mind I thought it might be just part of growing up.
And as quickly as it came, it also seems to be much better!
One thing he has enjoyed from the start is homework.
He does his assigned work and asks for more.
Love that.

He worked hard on this poster about his family.
He planned it all out in his mind for a few days before we sat down to draw it.
He wanted to tell about each of us and what we like
Dad - tractors
Mama - shopping (gasp)
Sam - basketball
Joe - Swimming
He drew our tall (?) house and Tiger Night
I was proud of his hard work.
Now one thing that has been hard for Joe is talking.
He loves to talk.
So we had some warnings come home...He begins the day at Right on Rhino
and one step down usually for talking or not following directions, etc
is Look Out Lion, he has brought a few of those home.  Never worse,but
never better until recently.  He has figured out that if he is quiet he might
get to move his clip up.  I love how his face light up when he was explaining this to us...so sweet.
He asked me a few weeks ago if he needed a behavior chart at home,
at the time he was having hard time and I told him he had enough to deal with at school,
but he has settled in and today he made his chart.
He chose construction paper that matched the chart at school
and copied all the levels, taped it together and found the perfect spot for it.

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