
Beans at Dawn

Earlier in the Holiday World Day,
 I had taken a semi ride to Evansville
to take beans to market.
Earlier, like, on the road at 5 am earlier.
It works like this... no appointments, so you want to be first in line so you can unload early.
But, if you are first in line you are there 1-2 hours before they open...so you wait.
You can go after they open and wait 2 hours in line to unload.

When you are a small operation, getting up early is key so you can unload then be back home
to farm when the crops dry out for the day.

We were second in line.  When the office lights come on, it's time to roll the tarp open.
It'll be about 30 minutes. 
And as we headed in it  finally daylight and there were 2 rows of trucks formed behind us.  
Our beans from dump station 2 were headed straight out the conveyer to the barge on 
the river.
We had to wash our wheels as we left the lot, we aren't in the country any more...
big city slickers.
Haulin Beans at Dawn.