
Autumn 2020

We got this surprise this fall.
We can't wait to meet Walker's sibling!
Will it be blue or pink?
(We don't care,ha)

When the Callahan's are in the driveway, we stop by.
Another round of golf - and the last view of the pool for the season.
Sam and his friends walked to Bravos after a tennis match one night.
Great group. 

When it's harvest time in the backyard.
Little John Deere, Big John Deere
Sam has been driving the backroads when he gets a chance.  
He does really well, mama is growing her nerves of steel
day by day!
Hanging in the backyard with my boy. 
Freshman year has not come without some adjustment.
So, seeing an A on a quiz was something to celebrate.
He ended the nine weeks on honor roll, he had to buckle down
to make it there in 1 class in particular.  
Hurricane season left Fort Walton pretty wet.  Thankfully
there was no damage at the condo.
Look at that sweet little thing, could just squeeze her!
Okay, I do!
We had a nerve wracking weekend with this guy.
We had a  regular well visit with the MD and as he was listening
to Sam's heart, I became concerned.  Dr. Ruff asked me if
he had always had a murmur.
*Mom Alert*
Dr. Ruff wasn't sure, he said it could be just from Sam having started weights/working out
more this year but he wanted to be sure.
So, he was scheduled for an EKG.  We were able to fit it in the next day,
thankfully able to swing that with my new job, yay!
He was anxious about the test and asked if we could get Little Ceasers after on the way home.
The pictures were for Dad so he know Sam was doing ok after the test.
We waited the weekend and God must have had me distracted on purpose.
While I prayed all weekend, Monday came and I forgot to call!
I called Tuesday and the test came back all clear.
Thankful to God for Sam's health!

The song Evidence by Josh Baldwin has been on repeat around our house this fall.
It is such a timely reminder of God's provisions and faithfulness in our life.

Our cousin's daughter, Amanda makes this adorable clay earrings, she made me
 a set to try out, I love them!
We were elected to serve at our church as junior youth leaders.
We had a great group for ice cream night!


Drew has had an awesome freshman tennis season.  We were able
to watch a lot of his home matches.  
He earned a spot on varsity playing 2 doubles.
His team won sectional this year!
We also watched him play regional at Jasper!
Beautiful rainbow!

Proud of Dryce for representing his Senior class as Homecoming King candidate.
His friend was chosen as king, but I was happy to get a picture with Dryce!

Joe and I spent a Saturday around the counties.
I did some home flu shots for favorite customers of mine, can't let them go yet!
And took the country route to Jasper to get a compound cream for Joe,
stopped and got pumpkins.
It was so nice when we got home, I talked Joe into a driveway walk.

The trees have been gorgeous this fall.
We began our fall break relaxing a bit on Sunday afternoon!