
Ordinary Day.

Yesterday was an ordinary day.
Of course, like others, I dread Monday coming.
Weekends (off) are never long enough.
Back to the grind.
But then, really shouldn't I cherish,
even look forward to an ordinary day.
So that is what I did.
We dressed in our matching play clothes to head to kendra's.
We took turns sitting in the chair for the picture.
Because, of course, on an ordinary day we argue about things like this
Even pout in Joe's case until we get our way

And we are all smiles, even mama {after her coffee}
And on an ordinary day DH and mama converse via email while at work.
{I will leave out that mean customer b/c he won't ruin my ordinary day}
The boys have fun at their babysitter.
And then we come together for an ordinary evening.
We eat the roast from the crockpot that mama started before work
and we head to Walmart for the much needed supplies.
Back home to sample the newly purchased dyno bite cereal - yum.
To bed for books and devotions
Mama: What would you like to thank God for today
Sam: Walmart - {answer always changes, usually most recent on his mind}
Joe: Bug juice - {answer always the same, bug juice is always on his mind}
Sam: And apples, and oranges, and dyno bites, and yogurt

It's all ordinary but it is us and it is reassuring. 
And I love it!