
Basketball mama

There has been more basketball in our days.
Sam played again at the high school game during half time.

 He got a rebound and took a shot, no bucket but great effort!!
Joe also played Yball again today.
He really has fun.  Runs with all his effort.  I can see the concentration on his face.

Listening to dad for some tips during 1/2 time

Go magic!

 Joe and his buddy Landon.
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Valentines stuff

I put a lot of the boys art here.
It gets to looking pretty cluttered somedays
but there will be a day when I long for art to display.
I was really impressed with Sam's abstract heart.
He told me how they made it at school.
They had to cut a piece out of the middle and then place it some where else on the page
I kinda like how it turned
 I got the boys some valentines, the boys each got a new XBOX game, new socks and haircombs.
They don't really need to comb their hair but I figure I should probably teach them
to comb it anyway, right? Haha

We had had so very many days when our view has looked like this over this winter:
It is beautiful really.
It makes travel difficult, but planned none the less so maybe that is not so bad!

Pin ItJoe had so much fun on his first Valentine's at school.
It got cut short on Friday, early dismissal due to snow
But he came home to show me his envelope (yes, I was the mom who was disappointed that we did not get to make a box...we did with Sam) 
And he showed me every single one.
Sam had all of the same, he was much less interested in the details, just that he got some candy.
I started a new lifestyle plan, writing it all out really holds a person
accountable!  I strayed from this exact plan but mainly just in the order of it all.
I was able to work out every morning and the boys joined me often, love that!!


Daddy's valentines

Sam discovered that he LOVED cherry pie a few months ago.
He has asked to go back to Knepp's restaurant (which he pronounces Nip's -that is also a local place but is  better known not for Amish food but for gambling).  It has DH and I laughing everytime.
We discovered the reason for this favorite place is the cherry pie.
And so DH got his big boy his very own cherry pie for Valentine's Day.
DH relies on me heavily for gift giving so this was super special!!

And a few days later he made this big boy his favorite chocolate pie.
Thank you DH for investing in our boys and their interests.
You are making memories they won't forget!

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School Valentines 2014

We were ahead of the game, started on our valentines way back in the middle of January.
And then life happened and still last week I knew we had plenty of time to
finish them up...

And then more life happened when I got called to work on my day off Tuesday leaving Thurs night (wed is discovery club) to do valentines.  Luckily the boys were pumped and ready and worked very hard without complaint on their valentines.
They were both very independent at it, they have written their own out since they were able, so they were pros this year!

Joe wanted minions..
You are One in a Minion

And Sam wanted Sour Worms as his treat, his goal I think was scoring some leftovers!
Hooked on You!

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Jello Treats with Friends

Couple of weeks ago we were able to bring some friends home from school
for a quick treat and then back to the gym for basketball practice.
I decided on some fun strawberry jello treats!
We may or may not have added a healthy dose of whipped cream!

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Shaylee bug

My niece Shaylee bug came to visit.
We did crafts
 and I snapped some pics

Long about now she said, you like to take my picture, don't you?

We made a Love print from her sweet feet
(but  I forgot how a girl might distract me and forgot the after picture)
she wanted to see my earrings. Ha, she settled for my necklace and bracelets.

She said she is staying the night next time, mom!

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Olympic Ring Cookies

Sam prefers baking/cooking to crafts right now
 We have to recruit DH, baking is not my forte. Ha
He was a sport though and helped us create some sugar cookie rings

Pretty proud of our Olympic ring cookies, yummy!

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