
Church Escape!

We Escaped!
We had fun at a fundraiser for mission at church last weekend.
We fundraiser for Sabrina (a church member) who has been in mission in India-it was special cause because I pray for Sabrina on the 20th every month - and other times we think of it!
This was our Escape Room Crew - we had never done anything like that.  Well, I had not,
it was obvious that the boys had - they whizzed right thru it = the black light number must be the code to the combination - Oh!  I'd like to do another experience sometime!

Pastor Ed was a good sport at the water ball booth - Joe nailed him in the nose one round!

Joe and Tyson going at it - and see those pop bottles on the table.
That was Sam's favorite booth, he ended up with a 6 pack of variety pop, ha!

My precious Sunday school kiddos.
My how I love a room full!  Our lesson was on Solomon.  We made an awesome poster
about the things we were thankful for and hung it on our wall.

I also had the opportunity to volunteer at our church's operation Christmas child box collection site last week!  I was there on day 2, so this grew by the end of week.  Each of these holds between 15 and 22 boxes that will reach a child and will include God's word!

We made sure each box was secure and packed them for shipment to the distrubiton site in Georgia.
It was neat hearing stories and how the boxed are minimally disturbed as they are prayed over and contain just what God wants in each of them!

 People can also send in loose items that are sent to center for filler, we sorted and counted them and sent them on!  Very neat experience!