
It's been 10 YEARS

How could it be?
10 years.
January marks the start of our 10th year in business...
It is nearly impossible for me to believe.
But, it is also so much to celebrate.
So much to be thankful for and continue to work hard for!
We have so much left to do - but we paused to celebrate.

We had a fun coffee bar and donuts in the morning and punch and cookies for the afternoon.
We had many people stop by the help us celebrate.
We are so thankful for each of them.

We had give away with some loyal customers coming to register!

This original crew.  We had some crazy fun times at the pharmacy back in those early days.
Tee hee.  Oh my.  

And these babes weren't even a mere twinkle when we opened 10 years ago -
but then we prayed them here and continue to love and pray for them.

Thankful for loyal customers who brought cheer and a thank you card.

We've added a couple VERY IMPORTANT and VALUABLE team members.
So thankful for each one of these faces.

And this guy and his dad who stopped by - he was a tiny babe when we opened!  Ugh
cue the memories.  

We shared our goodies the next day with our local doctors offices.  
We love working with them and serving the community together!

So thankful for 10 years serving this community.  
So much more to accomplish, but so thankful
for where we have come from!