
FLL Robotics Qualifier 2019

All of our fall prep lead us to the FLL Qualifier for southern Indiana. 
Our four robotics team we ready to show their work on their robots, posters, and team building.

Joe and Reid running the Robot during competition.

Their Problem Poster - they had to identify an issue in their community or major communities and develop a solution. They chose to deal with homelessness - 
as a mentor I spent time shaping this to fit our community and they decided on using exiting buildings to provide shelter for homeless people or those displaced by fire or natural disaster.
We chose 2 empty buildings as examples that might work for this use.  They did great research about the impact this could have on communities.

All of our teams and our bot.

Our robot poster and programs

This team did not disappoint - FLL 39794 advances to state competition winning Core Values
and 3rd place overall.

Preparing for the robot judging portion

Waiting for their turn in core values - this was a diverse group of personalities
so winning core values was a big reward.
They came out of this room feeling great about themselves - they said the judges loved them!  Excellent way to end the poster/presentation morning and prepare for robot runs

Their first run ran perfect they scored the max points they had planned for - sweet!
This was much different than the last year, excellent process.
They had 2 more runs 

Core Values Poster

Core Values Award

Our Coach Mr. Woodard. This guy pours into these kids - thankful for his passion
for the kids and robotics!

Advanced to State Competition - Dec 14 in Evansville!  Go Roaring RoboLions 39794.